Arizona PMD Certified Applicator Right-of-Way 6 Credit Bundle

This course bundle is designed for the Arizona Certified Applicator as licensed by the Pest Management Division. The course bundle contains 6 credits of training approved the the Arizona Department of Agriculture for PMD credit. Course topics focus on right of way weed management and pesticide safety. Please click on course details for a list of specific courses.


  • Right of Way: Weed Control – 4 credits
  • Pesticide Application Procedures – 1 credit
  • Personal Protective Equipment and Emergency Response – 1 credit


Right of Way: Weed Control

Course Description

This course will review the methods and techniques to manage vegetation on rights of way and non-cropland industrial sites safely without damage to non-target species, sites, objects or the environment

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the issues involved in controlling vegetation by roadways, utility lines, and pipelines.
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of rights of way weed management.

Pesticide Application Procedures

Course Description

Today’s pest management practices require modern equipment to apply a variety of pesticides. Pesticides may be
applied as sprays, dusts, granules, gases (vapors), fogs, baits, rubs, or dips. The vast array of application equipment must
be matched to the pesticide as well as to the size and type of the job. To make an effective, safe, and efficient application,
read the label first. In addition, you must properly select, operate, calibrate, and maintain your equipment.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify the factors (e.g., nozzles, volumes, pressures, and speeds) that affect calibration.
  • Demonstrate how to determine the amount of pesticide concentrate and diluent to use.
  • Explain how to choose appropriate drift reduction practices.

Personal Protective Equipment and Emergency Response

Course Description

PPE comprises the clothing and devices you wear to protect your body from contact with pesticides. Wearing PPE can reduce exposure (dermal, inhalation, ocular, or oral) and thereby lower the chances of pesticide injury, illness, or poisoning. It is important that all pesticide applicators and handlers understand the protections and limitations of PPE. Proper PPE
selection, use, and care are essential.

Although pesticide accidents and emergencies are rare, they do occur. Pesticides spilled on the ground or burning in a fire can contaminate water, soil, and air; damage plants; injure livestock, wildlife, or pets; and endanger the health of the applicator and emergency responders. Pesticide spills and fires may lead to financial loss due to cleanup, liability claims, and fines assessed by government agencies. Do all that you can to prevent accidents, but be prepared in case of emergency.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify where on the label to find the minimum clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) required to handle a given pesticide product.
  • State the criteria to properly select skin, eye, and respiratory protection required by the pesticide label based upon your expected use and exposure.
  • Discuss how pesticide releases from spills and fires can endanger humans and the environment.
  • Explain how to execute an emergency response plan.