Maryland Commercial Category 8 - Public Health Pest Control 8 Credit Bundle

This course bundle is designed for the Maryland Public Health Pest Control Applicator. The course bundle contains 8 credits of category specific continuing education approved by the Maryland Department of Agriculture Pesticide Regulation Section. Please click on course details for a list of specific courses. The courses in this package must be completed by 6/30/24.


  • Public Health Pest Control – 6 credits
  • Bed Bug Health Effects & Control – 2 credits


Public Health Pest Control

Course Description

Public health pests affect humans through discomfort and disease and can be found in homes and other buildings and structures. This course will outline control techniques and requirements for the most common public health pests which includes mosquitoes, flies, fleas, lice, bed bugs, cockroaches, wasps, ticks, mites, spiders, and rodents.

After completing this course users will be able to:

  • Distinguish between disease risks, how they transferred, symptoms, and techniques to avoid exposure.
  • Analyze the biology, signs, and behavior of each pest to identify the source of damage in the field.
  • Evaluate the best IPM control techniques for the type of pest, environment, and situation.


Bed Bug Health Effects & Control

Bed bugs are a common and difficult household pest that can be linked to a number of health effects such as psychological issues, cutaneous reactions, allergic reactions, anemia, and potential disease transmission. This course outlines various management methods for bed bug control and treatment as well as common symptoms and signs of health effects caused by the presence of bed bugs. Taught by Mississippi State University’s Jerome Goddard Ph.D., Extension Professor of Medical Entomology, this course presents numerous case studies of real world scenarios that express the complexities of bed bug infestations.

After completing this course users will be able to:

  • Identify specific signs and symptoms of bed bugs.
  • Describe major health effects commonly caused by bed bug infestations.
  • Outline effective products and strategies of bed bug management systems.