Maryland Commercial Category 7C - Industrial Wildlife Control 8 Credit Bundle

This course bundle is designed for the Maryland Industrial Wildlife Control Applicator. The course bundle contains 8 credits of category specific continuing education approved by the Maryland Department of Agriculture Pesticide Regulation Section. Please click on course details for a list of specific courses. The courses in this package must be completed by 6/30/24.


  • Bat Damage Management – 2 credits
  • Control & Management of Unprotected Birds – 2 credits
  • Rodents and Other Vertebrate Pest Management – 4 credits


Bat Damage Management

Course Description

The site of a bat hanging around a structure can be unnerving to most clients. Finding one inside a home is even more unsettling and can send the homeowner into a panic. This course will talk about the identification of bat issues, fundamentals of bat control, and a few health issues that can be quite costly for wildlife control operators and clients.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Effectively pre-qualify a client to determine the potential presence of bats.
  • Outline to the client the necessity to capture the bat alive.
  • Describe the common signs found when bats are present.
  • Describe the common diseases and ectoparasites associated with bats.

Control & Management of Unprotected Birds

Course Description

Unwanted birds can pose a problem for applicators and their clients. Some people love to feed the birds and spend hours watching birds. Once birds have become established in an area they can be difficult to control or deter. Though this course will focus on the control and management of unprotected birds, some of the techniques covered will help with the management of protected birds when a permit is issued.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify birds not protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918
  • Discuss different forms of deterrents available and when best to use each method
  • Discuss the different forms of toxicants and when they would be appropriate

Rodents and Other Vertebrate Pest Management

Course Description

An animal with a backbone or spinal column is called a vertebrate. A few vertebrates, such as rats and mice, are common pests in urban and industrial areas. Others are not pests in their normal habitats but may occasionally become pests when they conflict with humans. Public concern for the welfare of animals and the risk to people, pets, and other non-targets from poisons used to kill vertebrates have made rules governing vertebrate pest control particularly strict. Laws and regulations at the state and local levels may be much more restrictive than federal regulations. Be sure you understand all the regulations that apply in your geographic area before attempting to control vertebrate pests.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the lifecycle, inspection process, and health concerns commonly associated with vertebrate pests
  • Distinguish the different types of lethal and non-lethal options for managing vertebrate pests
  • Describe the various types of traps and baits used to control vertebrate pests