Maryland Commercial Category 3C - Turf 8 Credit Bundle

This course bundle is designed for the Maryland Turf Applicator. The course bundle contains 8 credits of category specific continuing education approved by the Maryland Department of Agriculture Pesticide Regulation Section. Please click on course details for a list of specific courses. The courses in this package must be completed by 6/30/24.


  • IPM for Turf Management – 2 credits
  • Common Turfgrass Weeds – 2 credits
  • Turfgrass Disease, Insect, and Vertebrate Pests – 2 credits
  • Cultural Practices for Turf Management – 2 credits


IPM for Turf Management

Course Description

Integrated Pest Management of turfgrasses involves multiple steps; producing a healthy plant, correctly identifying the problem, recognizing that there will always be some pests and damage, and only using pesticides as a last resort. This course teaches the basics of pest and disease management for turfgrass, and the different tools and techniques needed to successfully provide your clients with a healthy and attractive turf stand.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand the settings and ecosystems of a turf stand
  • Gain an understanding of the issues involved in controlling pests and disease in managed turfgrass
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of turfgrass

Common Turfgrass Weeds

Course Description

Managing weeds in a turf stand can be a tricky proposition. Often times the client fails to recognize that the presence of weeds in a turf stand is the result of poor turf, not the cause. Correct identification of the problem weed is a must of developing a management strategy, as is a working knowledge of weed biology and how herbicides work. This course will provide applicators with a good foundation from which to build their knowledge.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Explain the major similarities and differences between weeds and turf
  • Identify common turfgrass weeds
  • Explain how herbicides work

Turfgrass Disease, Insect, and Vertebrate Pests

Course Description

There are a variety of diseases, disorders, insects and vertebrate pests that can cause problems in turfgrass. Being able to correctly identify these common turfgrass maladies is of utmost importance to turfgrass managers. This course will look at the common diseases and disorders found in turf, and cover the situations and environmental conditions favorable to those diseases. The course also covers common insect and vertebrate pests and how to manage them.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify a disease, describe favorable disease conditions, and recommend treatment strategies for each disease
  • Identify common insect turf pests and recommend treatment strategies
  • Recognize the preferred habitat for common vertebrate pests and be able to recommend the appropriate deterrent or management strategy

Cultural Practices for Turf Management

Course Description

Turf responds best to consistent cultural practices – mowing, irrigating, and fertilizing. A consistent mowing height that is appropriate for the variety of turf, good irrigation, and proper fertilization will result in a healthy vigorous turf that will be enjoyed for years.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Discuss adverse turf conditions and how to correct them
  • Recognize common turf problems and how to remedy them
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of turfgrass