Tennessee Category 04 Commercial Applicator Bundle - Seed Treatment Part 1

This course bundle is designed for the Tennessee Seed Treatment Commercial Applicator (C04). The course bundle contains 6 points of training approved by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. These courses are approved for external training and must be completed on business days between 8am and 8pm Eastern. Click on course details for a list of specific courses. The courses in this package must be completed by 6/30/24.


  • Seed Treatment Product Safety – 1 point
  • Fungicides and Plant Pathogen Sampling – 1 point
  • Personal Protective Equipment and Emergency Response – 1 point
  • Pollinator Stewardship – 1 point
  • Pesticides in the Environment – 1 point
  • Pesticide Hazards and First Aid – 1 point


Seed Treatment Product Safety

Course Description

In the last ten years there has been a resurgence of treated seed use, largely due to the advent of improved chemical performance. We as agricultural producers are obviously concerned about the more modern applications of these processes, not only because they have been found to be beneficial to early crop protection but especially because they have been of concern to the safety of humans and the environment. This course will outline the benefits and risks associated with treated seed products.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Weigh the benefits of treated seed products against the concerns for both human and environmental safety.
  • Outline the different types of seed treatment methods, dressings and manufacturing processes.
  • Be able to describe and integrate important safety guidelines based on EPA risk assessment recommendations.
  • Describe the environmental impact of seed treatment processes, and best practices as environmental stewards.

Fungicides and Plant Pathogen Sampling

Course Description

This course provides the learner with a few basics necessary for effective management of turf and ornamentals. Understanding how to properly collect specimens for accurate analysis by a lab will save time and money. Understanding how a fungus infects a plant and which fungicide will treat that fungus effectively will provide quick treatment that can limit damage done to the plant. Plant appearance, status of infections, what to include in your sample, and fungicide mechanism of action are discussed to provide a framework from which to formulate treatment strategies.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the how fungicides penetrate the structures of a targeted plant.
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the prevention, identification, and treatment of fungal infections in plants.
  • Identify the proper part of the plant to send to the diagnostic lab for analysis.
  • Execute proper packaging and shipping of each sample to the diagnostic lab.

Personal Protective Equipment and Emergency Response

Course Description

PPE comprises the clothing and devices you wear to protect your body from contact with pesticides. Wearing PPE can reduce exposure (dermal, inhalation, ocular, or oral) and thereby lower the chances of pesticide injury, illness, or poisoning. It is important that all pesticide applicators and handlers understand the protections and limitations of PPE. Proper PPE selection, use, and care are essential.

Although pesticide accidents and emergencies are rare, they do occur. Pesticides spilled on the ground or burning in a fire can contaminate water, soil, and air; damage plants; injure livestock, wildlife, or pets; and endanger the health of the applicator and emergency responders. Pesticide spills and fires may lead to financial loss due to cleanup, liability claims, and fines assessed by government agencies. Do all that you can to prevent accidents, but be prepared in case of emergency.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify where on the label to find the minimum clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE) required to handle a given pesticide product.
  • State the criteria to properly select skin, eye, and respiratory protection required by the pesticide label based upon your expected use and exposure.
  • Discuss how pesticide releases from spills and fires can endanger humans and the environment.
  • Explain how to execute an emergency response plan.

Pollinator Stewardship

Course Description

Honey Bee Stewardship. The primary concern plaguing the bee keeping industry is the decline of honey bees around the world. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is the leading cause behind this steady decline in honey bee numbers. There are a number of different factors affecting this decline. This course provides an outline of the best practices concerning honey bee stewardship.

Minimizing Pesticide Risk for Pollinators. Whether applying pesticides in the home garden or in a commercial setting, many of the chemical pesticides used to control insects, fungal disease, and even weeds can hurt non-target pollinating insects, such as bees and butterflies. This section will ensure your ability to affectively and efficiently apply pesticides without harming beneficial insects.

Participants in this course will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the factors that contribute to colony collapse disorder.
  • Recognize the importance of beekeeper/grower communication.
  • The importance of pollinators in agriculture and why protecting native pollinators is of great concern.
  • The federal and state enforcement and compliance procedure as related to pollinator safety and alternatives to hard chemicals.

Pesticides in the Environment

Course Description

Applicators and the public share concerns about how pesticides may harm the environment. Initially, hazards to humans were the primary reason the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to classify a pesticide as a restricted-use product. Now, more and more pesticide labels list environmental effects (such as contamination of groundwater or toxicity to birds or aquatic organisms) as reasons for restriction. Anyone who uses a pesticide—indoors or outdoors, in a city or on a farm—must consider how that pesticide affects the environment.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe how pesticide applications can affect the environment.
  • Explain how to prevent pesticide drift, runoff, and movement to nontarget areas.
  • Discuss how to prevent pesticide residue accumulation associated with mixing, loading, and equipment washing.

Pesticide Hazards and First Aid

Course Description

Pesticides are designed to be toxic to living organisms so they can control pests (e.g., plants, insects, rodents,
fungi, and bacteria). At the same time, pesticides must be used with special care to avoid harming nontarget organisms, including pesticide applicators, handlers, and anyone else exposed to the product. Pesticides can have both short-term
and long-term effects on humans. As a result, pesticide users need to be concerned with the hazards associated
with exposure to the chemical and not exclusively with the toxicity of the pesticide.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Identify common exposure routes for various pesticides and application methods.
  • Discuss the appropriate first aid response to oral, ocular, dermal, and inhalation exposures to pesticides.
  • Explain the hazard level classification system for pesticides, including the corresponding signal words.