Tennessee Category 05 Commercial Applicator Bundle - Aquatic Pest Part 2

This course bundle is designed for the Tennessee Aquatic Weed and Pest Control Commercial Applicator (C05). The course bundle contains 6 points of training approved by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. These courses are approved for external training and must be completed on business days between 8am and 8pm Eastern. Click on course details for a list of specific courses. The courses in this package must be completed by 6/30/24.


  • Controlling Aquatic Pests – 3 points
  • Federal Pesticide Laws – 1 point
  • Pesticide Formulations – 1 point
  • Setting up a Mosquito Control Program – 1 point


Controlling Aquatic Pests

Course Description

This course discusses managing pests in aquatic environments. It contains extensive plant identification, discussing common weed types and species. Other pests, such as insects or birds, are also covered. In addition, this course explains a variety of control methods, outlining how to use pesticides safely and the necessary first aid for any exposure. Finally, calibration of equipment is explained and example scenarios are explored.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Explain the laws and regulations surrounding aquatic pesticide use.
  • Calculate area, rate, and amount of pesticides for aquatic use.
  • Discuss the risks involved with pesticide use and methods for both reducing risk and managing any exposures that should occur.

Federal Pesticide Laws

Course Description

Pesticides are hazardous substances that can cause serious harm if used improperly. Pesticides are regulated to utilize their benefits while protecting public health and welfare and preventing harm to the environment. Federal and state pesticide laws and regulations control the labeling, sale and distribution, storage, transportation, use, and disposal in the best public interest. This course addresses the requirements set forth by federal regulations. Pesticide applicators are responsible for learning about and complying with all regulations.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Be able to describe and integrate important regulatory requirements related to labeling, hazard management, environmental issues, and application procedures.
  • Distinguish between restricted-use and general-use pesticide classifications.
  • Explain the importance of maintaining accurate records of pesticide application and employee training.

Pesticide Formulations

Course Description

A pesticide formulation is a combination of active and inert ingredients that formĀ an end-use pesticide product. Pesticides are formulated to make them safer or easier to use. There are many formulations available for various pest control sites and situations, and it is important that applicators choose the best one for the job.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Explain why pesticides are formulated for end use.
  • List the factors to consider when choosing a formulation for a specific site or situation.
  • Discuss the properties of common formulations.

Setting up a Mosquito Control Program

Course Description

Mosquito control programs manage the population of mosquitoes to reduce their damage to human health. Mosquito control is a vital public-health practice as mosquitoes are the number one vector of disease globally, spreading many diseases such as Malaria, West Nile virus, Dengue Fever, and Yellow Fever. Besides, mosquitoes can cause significant pain, irritation, and infection from their bites, which are a considerable nuisance. Taught by Mississippi State University’s Jerome Goddard Ph.D., Extension Professor of Medical Entomology, this course outlines mosquito control’s components, methods, benefits, and complexities.

After completing this courseĀ users will be able to:

  • Outline strategies for mosquito control.
  • Justify the need for mosquito pest control, including surveillance, trapping, and spraying.
  • Identify problem areas for mosquito management such as public objections and environmental protection efforts.