Tennessee Category 06 Commercial Applicator Bundle - Right-of-Way Part 1

This course bundle is designed for the Tennessee Right-of-Way Commercial Applicator (C06). The course bundle contains 9 points of training approved by the Tennessee Department of Agriculture. These courses are approved for external training and must be completed on business days between 8am and 8pm Eastern. Click on course details for a list of specific courses. The courses in this package must be completed by 6/30/24.


  • Right of Way: Pest Management Overview – 3 points
  • Right of Way: Weed Control – 3 points
  • Application Equipment and Calibration – 1 point
  • Pollinator Stewardship – 1 point
  • Identification & Control of Noxious Weeds – 1 point


Right-of-Way: Pest Management Overview

Course Description

Pest management in right-of-way situations can be a challenge. The economic thresholds are different in right-of-way situations compared to either a landscape setting or an agricultural setting. The treatment areas can be more readily viewed by the public or may be too rough to reach using traditional equipment. While broadleaf and woody plant material is usually the major pests in right-of-way situations there can be insect and vertebrate pests that need management. This course provides an overview of pests common to rights-of-way, management solutions, a look at the equipment commonly used to treat rights-of-way, and a review of calibration steps for that equipment.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Outline the principles of an IPM program in right-of-way situations
  • Identify weeds and other pests commonly found in rights-of-way
  • Identify and calibrate equipment commonly used in right-of-way applications
  • Demonstrate an understanding of professional conduct and how to interact with the public

Right of Way: Weed Control

Course Description

This course will review the methods and techniques to manage vegetation on rights of way and non-cropland industrial sites safely without damage to non-target species, sites, objects or the environment

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the issues involved in controlling vegetation by roadways, utility lines, and pipelines.
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of rights of way weed management.

Application Equipment and Calibration

Course Description

When pesticide applications become necessary for good turf management, it’s important to understand how application equipment works and how to properly calibrate the equipment. An accurate measurement of the area to be treated and properly calibrated equipment are critical to applying pesticides within an acceptable range of the label requirements. This course will discuss the most common types of equipment used for pesticide applications on turf, the way to calculate the area of an irregularly shaped space, and how to properly calculate the flow rate of the equipment.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the different types of equipment used in pesticide applications
  • Accurately calculate the square footage of irregular areas
  • Accurately calibrate common application equipment

Pollinator Stewardship

Course Description

Honey Bee Stewardship. The primary concern plaguing the bee keeping industry is the decline of honey bees around the world. Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is the leading cause behind this steady decline in honey bee numbers. There are a number of different factors affecting this decline. This course provides an outline of the best practices concerning honey bee stewardship.

Minimizing Pesticide Risk for Pollinators. Whether applying pesticides in the home garden or in a commercial setting, many of the chemical pesticides used to control insects, fungal disease, and even weeds can hurt non-target pollinating insects, such as bees and butterflies. This section will ensure your ability to affectively and efficiently apply pesticides without harming beneficial insects.

Participants in this course will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the factors that contribute to colony collapse disorder.
  • Recognize the importance of beekeeper/grower communication.
  • The importance of pollinators in agriculture and why protecting native pollinators is of great concern.
  • The federal and state enforcement and compliance procedure as related to pollinator safety and alternatives to hard chemicals.

Identification & Control of Noxious Weeds

Course Description

Managing noxious weeds can be a tricky proposition. Applicators need to be aware of both the federal and state noxious weed lists and how that affects management tactics. This course covers several weeds on the federal noxious weeds list as well as other noxious weeds found throughout the southeastern United States.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify common noxious weeds the southeastern United States
  • Recommend the proper treatment strategies for each noxious weed identified