West Virginia Category 7 - Right-of-Way Recertification Bundle

This course bundle is geared toward the Right of Way Commercial Applicator (Category 07). The course bundle contains 20 credits of education that have been approved for category 07 as approved by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.


  • Right of Way: Pest Control – 6 credits
  • Right of Way: Weed Control – 6 credits
  • Application Equipment & Calibration – 2 credits
  • Common Turfgrass Weeds – 2 credits
  • Reading the Pesticide Label: Beyond the Basics – 4 credits


Right-of-Way: Pest Control

Course Description

This study guide was prepared from the Commercial Applicator Study Manual for Category 6, Right-of-Way Pest Control as published by the Mississippi State University Extension Service and approved by the Mississippi Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

• Identify five main groups of pests and the pests specific to each group
• Name the physical characteristics that aid in the identification of specific insects
• Identify the main cause of plant diseases
• Differentiate between the life cycles of annuals, biennials, and perennials
• Describe the developmental stages through which plants progress

Right-of-Way: Weed Control

Course Description

This course will review the methods and techniques to manage vegetation on rights of way and non-cropland industrial sites safely without damage to non-target species, sites, objects or the environment

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Gain an understanding of the issues involved in controlling vegetation by roadways, utility lines,a nd pipelines.
  • Tailor a management strategy that addresses the unique needs of rights of way weed management.

Application Equipment and Calibration

Course Description

When pesticide applications become necessary for good turf management, it’s important to understand how application equipment works and how to properly calibrate the equipment. An accurate measurement of the area to be treated and properly calibrated equipment are critical to applying pesticides within an acceptable range of the label requirements. This course will discuss the most common types of equipment used for pesticide applications on turf, the way to calculate the area of an irregularly shaped space, and how to properly calculate the flow rate of the equipment.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the different types of equipment used in pesticide applications
  • Accurately calculate the square footage of irregular areas
  • Accurately calibrate common application equipment

Common Turfgrass Weeds

Course Description

Managing weeds in a turf stand can be a tricky proposition. Often times the client fails to recognize that the presence of weeds in a turf stand is the result of poor turf, not the cause. Correct identification of the problem weed is a must of developing a management strategy, as is a working knowledge of weed biology and how herbicides work. This course will provide applicators with a good foundation from which to build their knowledge.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Explain the major similarities and differences between weeds and turf
  • Identify common turfgrass weeds
  • Explain how herbicides work

Reading the Pesticide Label: Beyond the Basics

Course Description

This training will cover many sections of a pesticide label and safety data sheets. Labels are increasing in complexity and depth of information. It is never suggested that anyone try to memorize a pesticide label. By reviewing parts of a label and recognizing label language and use, we hope that you feel more comfortable with the information on pesticide labels and feel confident in understanding the information the present. Many examples of labels are used in this training that cover a variety of types of pesticides and also represent a variety of sites. It’s essential that we look at REAL label language and not simply make generic statements to evaluate.

There is no endorsement for any company or product by representation of information in this training. All material presented is for educational purposes only and is not intended to purposefully include or exclude any company, tradename, product, use, proprietary, or any other information. Whenever you have questions about interpretations of label language, we encourage you to contact your local extension, land-grant university, department of agriculture, product dealer, or the manufacturer for more information.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Discuss different types of pesticide registrations.
  • Identify where to find specific information on the pesticide label.
  • Identify pests and site usage according to the label, and recognize information on safety data sheets.