West Virginia Category 9 - Public Health Pest Control Recertification Bundle

This course bundle is designed Public Health Control Commercial Applicator. The course bundle contains 20 credits of category 9 (Public Health Pest Control) credits as approved by the West Virginia Department of Agriculture.


  • Bed Bugs: Overview and Management – 4 credits
  • Intro to Mosquito Control – 4 credits
  • Mosquito Identification – 6 credits
  • Mosquito Management and Control – 4 credits
  • Zika and Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases – 2 credits


Bed Bugs: Overview and Management

Course Description

Most people visibly cringe when they hear the words “bed bugs”. Structural applicators know that managing a bed bug infestation is difficult on many levels. This course looks at the history of bed bugs, current integrated pest management approaches to preventing and managing an infestation, and several of the chemical options available when your non-chemical controls and methods have failed.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Speak confidently to clients and residents concerning chemical and non-chemical controls.
  • Accurately differentiate between bed bugs and bat bugs.
  • Positively identify the signs of a bed bug infestation.

Intro to Mosquito Control

Course Description

Mankind has been battling mosquitoes since before the first settlers landed on the continent. Mosquitoes are vectors for a multitude of diseases that are harmful to humans, livestock, and pets. To effectively manage a mosquito population as part of an integrated pest management plan applicators must be familiar with mosquito physiology, the lifecycle of the mosquito, and various collection and surveillance methods for both adult mosquitoes and larvae. It is also important to have a good understanding of the diseases that are commonly vectored by mosquitoes. The course will talk about surveillance methods, mosquito anatomy, and touch on the diseases that are most commonly vectored by mosquitoes in the United States.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Describe the different stages in the mosquito lifecycle.
  • Explain the differences between male and female mosquitoes.
  • Suggest different surveillance and collection tactics to efficiently trap mosquitoes in the target area.
  • List and describe several commonly mosquito vectored diseases.

Mosquito Identification
Aedes, Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, and Psorophora

Course Description

Correct identification of each mosquito species is an important step to managing the mosquito population in your area. Each species of mosquito has its own preferred habitat and breeding environment. This course covers the preferred habitat, breeding ground, and physiological differences between five major species of mosquitoes found throughout the United States.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the differences between the five major mosquito species in the United States.
  • Identify each of the mosquitoes covered in this course.

Mosquito Management & Control 

Course Description

Mosquito management is a daunting task for many applicators. When done correctly, outdoor areas such as parks and neighborhood common areas can be a perfect place for people to relax. When mosquito management is done incorrectly or isn’t done at all, mosquitoes can make public spaces unusable. This course will discuss common methods of mosquito controls, everything from physical controls to pesticides, to record-keeping, all as part of a solid integrated pest management approach to mosquito control.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Discuss the different types of control methods for managing mosquito populations.
  • Discuss the different types of insecticides available for both larval and adult control of mosquitoes.
  • Identify and describe the different kinds of equipment commonly used for mosquito control pesticide applications.
  • Discuss several ways to evaluate the efficacy of the different mosquito control methods implemented.

Zika and Other Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Course Description

This course brings to light an up-and-coming issue within the United States and an issue that has been on-going across the world. Many mosquito-borne diseases are specified within the course, with an emphasis on the Zika Virus. Zika’s extent, side effects, testing, and diagnostics are detailed along with protection and reduction techniques of mosquitoes to minimize the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases.

After completing this course participants will thoroughly understand:

  • Implement methods to reduce mosquito populations.
  • The Zika virus, how it is contracted, what effect it has on the human body, testing and diagnostics, and what Congress is doing to aid in its prevention.
  • What can be done to prevent and control mosquitoes personally and from the source.